
Open Source Machine Translation for Drupal: Walkthrough and Cheat Sheet

You don't need Google Translate or Bing Translator to get Machine Translation (MT) into your Drupal site. There is an Open Source solution, called Moses SMT which allows you to take full control of Machine-Translation, DIY-style. If you have ever tried or intended to wire Moses SMT to Drupal, but got intimidated because of the complexity of the task, this session may be useful for you.


Las cosas que encontrámos en tu sitio

A part of my job in Acquia is looking for complex websites and evaluate them looking to several aspects. Clients hire us during a short period of time to look at vectors like site architecture, best pratices and general configuration and rely on our expertise to trace problems regarding performance, security and daily maintenance traumas.

Business Integration on Drupal Commerce Projects

One of the common challenges facing IT organizations today is to provide a consistent version of organization data across all systems.

This challenge extends to our drupal projects when we need to exchange data with legacy enterprise resource systems, on a secure and structured way.

Examples on this scenario would be product catalog and order synchronization,bulk client migrations on drupal commerce sites.

In this session, we'll introduce you to a series of data integration tools for your Drupal projects:

Writing maintainable code

We, as developers, are always dealing with code wrote by other people. Usually, when that happens, we found ourselves trying to understand what does each piece of code and walking in circles around the code.

To avoid this problem and make the life of our development team easier, we have to put an effort in writing maintainable code. During this session, we will see some common issues, approaches to fix them, advices and examples of how we can achieve our target.

Cloud-driven Development: a better workflow, less worries, and more power

Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) solutions have recently sprung up for Drupal, with Pantheon and Acquia Dev Cloud leading the race. The advantages are plentiful: zero set-up costs, instant upscaling, the use of powerful services such as Apache Solr, Varnish, Redis/Memcached, automated Drupal core updates, site profiling tools, etc.

Content moderation workflow with Workbench

Workbench is a suite of Drupal modules that provides authors, editors, and publishers with a unified interface for managing content relevant to them. Used by organizations of all shapes and sizes, Workbench is a solution that allows people to focus on their content, rather than on learning Drupal.

This session will focus on how to get Workbench working, what can it do "out of the box" and how we can alter the default settings to serve our purposes. All seen from a live demo.

Automating Drupal Development with Patterns

Complex websites and web applications can be created by combining configurations of Modules, Content Types (CCK,) Views, Panels, Menus, Blocks, Categories, Roles / Permissions, etc.This site setup and configuration process is a very time consuming and repetitive bottleneck.
Patterns module (http://drupal.org/project/patterns) is built to bypass this bottleneck by managing and automating site configuration that is stored in YAML, XML or PHP serialized arrays.

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